Take the Challenge

Monday, August 27, 2012

Burn More Fat Walking

You can burn more fat and lose more inches before and after your workouts by implementing a high-intensity walking routine into your fitness regimen. It’s true that slow to moderate walks are low impact forms of physical activity with loads of health benefits (reduces bad cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, decreases risks of chronic diseases).  However, adding layers to you walking routines makes them more challenging, more fun, and more effective. Did you know that high-impact activities can help you burn nearly 70% more calories than if you just walked at a steady pace?
To zero in on your fitness, fat-burning, and weight loss goals, incorporate the following tips into your walking plan and try the workouts below on 3 non-consecutive business days.
  1. Go On Longer Walks: You can burn almost 5 times more calories after you workout when your workouts are an hour long instead of 30 minutes.
  2. Walk Faster: When you walk faster your heart rate raises, you go further, and you burn more calories.
  3. Change the Direction of Your Walk: Moving forward, backwards, or sideways allow you to use muscles (inner and outer thighs) that you otherwise might not use when walking in a straight direction and burn more calories.
  4. Add Toning Techniques: You can flip the fat-burning switch on your walks and turn them into a resistance training total body workout. Find a hill to tone your butt and thighs and use your arms (you can include a resistance band if you have one) to shape your arms.
Walking Workout #1
After warming up for 3-5 minutes, walk at a slow-moderate pace for two minutes. Then walk as fast as you can for 1 minute. Repeat this for 20-25 minutes.
Walking Workout #2:
After warming up for 3-5 minutes, set your timer for 1 minute. At the top each minute complete 10 Jumping jacks, 10 burpees, or 10 squat jumps. After you complete 10, walk as fast you can for the remainder of the minute. Repeat this for 20-25 minutes.
Walking Workout #3
After warming up for 3-5 minutes, walk as fast and as far as you can for 1 minute. Place a marker at the point where you stop. Turn around and lunge back to start. Repeat this for 20-25 minute but switch the type of leg exercise that you do. You can do Squats or Side lunges.

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