Take the Challenge

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Get fit and have fun doing it! HipHop Abs!!!!

Hey folks!

If you are new to HipHop Abs, thinking about trying HipHop Abs, or are a veteran of HipHop Abs it is always good to have support, share ideas, help others, and learn interesting tips from each other. So would you like to join myself and a few others and do a 30 day challenge of HipHop Abs!?

I am talking about a challenge group. We will all be able to encourage each other, complain to each other, ask each other questions, and celebrate together! So what do you say!? Are you ready!?

I will create a Facebook page and add you to it. I will be doing this challenge right along with you! We will all post pics, (group is completely private so no one outside of the group will see anything we post) measurements and we will discuss things like calories and nutrition too.

If you are new to HipHop Abs and want to join us you can order the program and you get a free workout DVD!! Click on the link below and you can check it out!

Leave a comment here and I will send you the info! Feel free to ask questions! I’m here for anything you need!

I look forward to getting to work with you all!

Monday, September 3, 2012

An INSANE challenge that WILL change your life!

Hey folks!

If you are new to INSANITY, thinking about trying INSANITY, or are a veteran of INSANITY it is always good to have support, share ideas, help others, and learn interesting tips from each other. So would you like to join myself and a few others and do a 60 day challenge of INSANITY!?

I am talking about a challenge group. We will all be able to encourage each other, complain to each other, ask each other questions, and celebrate together! So what do you say!? Are you ready!? 

I will create a Facebook page and add you to it. I will be doing this challenge right along with you! We will all post pics, (group is completely private so no one outside of the group will see anything we post) measurements and we will discuss things like calories and nutrition too. 

If you want to know more, or are ready to join us please leave me a comment or email me at ashbeth22@gmail.com  
I look forward to getting to know you all! emoticon

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Where to start?

So you have decided to change your life, lose the weight, and get healthy. But where on earth do you begin?! It can be sssooo daunting! 

Here are some ideas for you. 

Lets say you (like myself and so many people) have physical problems like back pain, bad knees, bad shoulders, etc, whatever the case is there are options out there for you! Don't just assume because you can't do cardio or pushups or whatever that you can't workout. You can!

First step: Get a program that will be easy on your body. I recommend Tai Cheng, Power 90, or Yoga Booty Ballet. 

Tai Cheng is a wonderful strengthening program that is geared towards managing pain, coordination and increasing range on motion. How cool right!? 


Power 90 is a more gentle start to get yourself into some Cardio and Weight Training. This is low impact and you can start nice and easy and work your way up to more intense workouts. 


Yoga Booty Ballet is a mixture of Yoga and Light Cardio. Also a great way to start yourself off nice and easy. Pretty fun too! With some dancing and fun music. 


Second Step: Follow a diet.. Learn about nutrition.. Fuel your body to give you the energy you need to workout. Learn which foods are good for you, which aren't. 

Each of these programs come with nutrition packs which is very helpful, you can learn a lot from them. Its not always easy to follow them however, so that is why it is important to understand nutrition. And track your calories! Some of us eat too many, some of us don't eat enough! So you have to find out where you are at and adjust accordingly. I found that I was eating half (yes half!) of the calories I should have been daily.. Before starting to work out! So I was putting my body into starvation mode and thus my body stored every single calorie I ate. :/ Not good! 

So where are you at? Are you ready to change your life? 

Don't diet - Learn proper Nutrition :)

I HAVE A CHALLENGE FOR YOU! Would you like to join me!?!

Have you been working out and wondering why is my body not changing? Have you taken the time to evaluate your nutrition? I had an eye opening experience when I first took a look at mine. Not only was I not getting enough calories in to support my calorie burn from working out, but I was not getting any of the correct food. Take my 6-week nutrition makeover challenge and let me help you get on the right track. This does NOT mean you will be on a diet. This is a makeover to start your lifestyle change. This does not mean you have to give up your French fries or favorite dessert, it just means you need to learn to eat well overall. We are going to start learning how to do this.

I am putting together an online nutrition makeover challenge group. This group will not meet in person, but will meet in a private Facebook group. In this group I will provide mini realistic challenges, direction, support and motivation. Let me ask how comfortable are you in your own body right now? Before I figured out the better side of nutrition, I was completely uncomfortable with my own body. I ask you this question because this challenge may take a toll on you emotionally and make you a bit uncomfortable. But remember the big picture, we are doing this makeover to help you get comfortable in your own body.

This is going to take some work. But if you are committed to learning how to eat right (not jump from diet to diet) then this is for you! :) 

Hope to hear from you soon!


Saturday, September 1, 2012

My day of working out and eating. :)

Hi all! 

Breakfast: Banana/strawberry smoothie

Workout: TurboFire - Fire 30 and Abs 10 
Drank 2 - 16 oz glasses of water before and during. 
And 5 oz of chocolate milk after (huge help for muscle soreness) 

Snack: hand full of almonds 16 oz glass of water 

Lunch: spinach, ham, sweet peppers, hummus, on whole wheat bread. 
16 oz glass of water. 

Snack: homemade fruit juice w/ orange juice, strawberries and cherries. 
16 oz glass of water. 

Dinner: Small pan fried burger w/ green beans and rice. Yum! :) 
16 oz glass of water. 

I have a glass of water that I carry around with me all day! So I'm always drinking water. :) And I'm 54 calories from my goal for the day! 

Always love your body! <3

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Cottage Pie - A Healthy Comfort Food for Dinner!

I love this recipe because it is SO easy to make, takes only a little time, and everyone loves it! I learned this recipe from my Aunt and have never had anyone tell me they didn't like it!

Cottage Pie

Wash and chop potatoes. I leave the skins on because there are a lot of nutrients and we like the taste but thats up to you! :) 

Brown your burger (1 lb - 2lbs depending on how much you want to make) 
I used venison (because its lean and tastes wonderful!) but have also done this with beef. Yummy both ways! Season meat to taste with garlic, salt, and pepper. 

Once the meat is completely cooked. Drain off any fat that is in the pot. A colander is the easiest way to do this. 

Then add meat back to the pot and fill with water till it just covers the meat. 

And add 3 - 4 spoonfuls of veggie or beef base. The best is "Better Than Bouillon". 

Let simmer until Potatoes are ready to mash. Once the potatoes are ready to mash go ahead and mash them up! Add whatever seasonings you would normally use for your mashed potatoes. (I use a little real butter, a little milk, sometimes a little ranch, salt and pepper, sometimes garlic)

Then thicken your water and burger mixture into a lovely gravy! :) Taste make sure you don't need anything else added to it. 

Get yourself out a 9x13 baking pan. Don't mind all the scratches in mine! :/

Add your burger and gravy mixture to about half way up the pan. 

Then spoon the mashed potatoes on top and try to get the whole area covered. 

Sprinkle a bit of cheese on top if you like! (Which I do! but it does add some calories!)

Put in the oven just long enough to melt the cheese. (When I've been in a hurry I've just let everyone put it together themselves and put their own cheese on top and not baked it tastes just as good!) 

And then spoon yourself out some and serve with your choice of veggie on the side! :) Super easy and super yummy! As long as you are sensible about what you add to it HEALTHY too! :) 

Lets Talk TurboFire! Challenge yourself and others!

Hey everyone!

What is TurboFire? 

TurboFire®, Chalene’s intense new total body conditioning program. You’ll do high-energy kickboxing drills and sculpting exercises set to Chalene’s own music mixes.TurboFire is all about the music, the energy from the class, and the High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) “fire drills”. You’ll work out at your max for up to 1-minute intervals with quick periods of rest to ignite your metabolism and burn 9x more fat than with traditional cardio. The AfterBurn effect will have you burning extra calories for up to 24 hours after your workout. And don't worry if you aren't in perfect shape because there are modifications to EVERY move. There is always a person on stage showing you how to make it a little easier! ;) 

I have a Beachbody TurboFire Challenge group of amazing people who are all working hard to reach their goals! Would you like to join us?

My results!

What we do is I start a group on Facebook. We all post before pictures, and this group in completely private, however if you don't want to post your pictures I understand. We post daily about our workouts and our food intake. We can lean on each other, ask each other questions, vent about a hard workout, and do a happy dance when we have good results! We will post our measurements every other week and weight weekly. 

At 30 days we do pictures again and our measurements. 

You also have the chance to win prizes by logging your workouts on the Beachbody website.

Anyway, I hope you will join us! Comment here or email me at ashbeth22@gmail.com 

I hope you have a wonderful day!



Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Chia Seeds - SUPERFOOD

7 Good Reasons To Start Eating Chia Seeds

  1. Help weight loss. Chia seeds are popular for weight loss. They reduce food cravings by preventing some of the food that you eat from getting absorbed into your system. This blockage of calorie absorption makes them a great diet helper.
  2. Feel fuller faster: They can also help your diet by making you feel full. This is because they absorb 10 times their weight in water, forming a bulky gel.
  3. Hydration for athletes: They are also great for athletes because the "chia gel" can hydrate the body.
  4. Reduce your blood pressure: There's evidence to suggest they can reduce blood pressure.
  5. Omega-3: They are the richest plant source of Omega-3 (the vital fats that protect againstinflammation—such as arthritis—and heart disease). In fact, they contain more Omega-3 than salmon!
  6. Benefits for diabetes: Because chia seeds slow down how fast our bodies convert carbohydrates into simple sugars, studies indicate they can control blood sugar. This leads scientists to believe chia seeds may have great benefits for diabetics.
  7. They are easier to digest than flax seeds, and don't need to be ground up.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Workouts to help you get great abs!!

Abdominal Hold
This is the sort of move that looks so wonky, you sure hope your roommate doesn't catch you doing it -- unless she also gets to see you look stellar in a bathing suit, in which case she just may pull up a chair.
Do it:
Sit tall on the edge of a sturdy chair (or step with four risers) and place your hands on the edge with your fingers pointing toward your knees.
Tighten your abs and bring your toes 2 to 4 inches off the floor. Lift your butt off the chair.
Hold this position for as long as you can -- aim for 5 to 10 seconds.
Lower yourself down and repeat.

The Side Crunch
A deceptively difficult move, the side crunch tests your balance while it teases your oblique muscles. (It worked my hips in a way I've not felt in a while, too.)
Do it:
Kneel on the floor and lean all the way over to your right side, placing your right palm on the floor.
Keeping your weight balanced, slowly extend your left leg and point your toes.
Place your left hand behind your head, pointing your elbow toward the ceiling.
Next, slowly lift your leg to hip height as you extend your arm above your leg, with your palm facing forward.
Look out over your hand while bringing the left side of your rib cage toward your hip.
Lower to your starting position and repeat 6 to 8 times.
Do two sets of 6 to 8 reps, and then switch sides.

The Hundred
A machine- (and accessory-) free Pilates move that afterwards always makes me think 1) "Uh, we sure sounded like we're doing Lamaze," and 2) "Wow."
Do it:
Sit tall on the mat with your knees bent by your chest and your hands at your sides.
Lie down with your knees bent and your palms facing down.
Exhale and raise your head and shoulders off the mat.
Vigorously pump your arms 6 inches up and down, reaching with your fingertips.
Inhale for 5 pumps, then exhale for 5 pumps. Be sure to curl your chin in toward your chest.
Do 100 pumps, or 10 full breaths.
Try to keep your lower back pressed in toward the floor and keep your lower abs pulled in toward your spine. You should keep your abs engaged this way throughout the workout.

Opposite Arm and Leg Raise
Done during my workout warm-up, this move makes me feel longer, steadier, and seriously balanced. Thanks, core!
Do it:
Begin on all fours, aligning your knees under your hips and your wrists under your shoulders.
Raise your left arm to shoulder height and your left leg to hip height.
Hold for 2 counts, reaching forward with your fingers and back with your heels.
Repeat this exercise on the opposite side.
Do 15 to 20 reps, alternating sides.
For a bigger challenge, touch your opposite elbow to your knee as you pull your arm and leg in.

The Prone Plank
A super-simple, do-anywhere move that zips up your abs a la Ms. Stefani. (Fingers crossed.)
Do it:
Get into a full pushup position with your palms on the floor beneath your shoulders.
Hold here for 30 seconds, with your abs contracted and your arms and legs extended and your head aligned with your spine.
As you build strength, hold this position longer, up to one minute.
Go deeper: Try the one-arm stable switching plank.

Squat Thrust with Twist
I avoided this move at first because I thought it had "wrenched back" written all over it. But after doing slooowly at first and testing where the back tweaking would begin, I found the threshold between "yikes" and "yes!"
Do it:
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms in front of you at shoulder height.
Begin by squatting down, bending your knees 90 degrees, and twisting your upper body to the left.
Now come up and repeat the exercise to the right.
Keep your weight in your heels and don't allow your knees to jut forward away from your toes.
Keep your knees facing forward as your chest and shoulders move side to side.
For the best results, bend your knees as close to 90 degrees as possible.

The Climb Up
Crunchier than most of the lying-down crunches I've tried, this move also makes the cut simply because it's novel.
Do it:
Start by lying on the floor with a 3-foot-long scarf or towel wrapped around the ball of your right foot, knees bent, left foot on the floor.
Hold the scarf in both hands, and extend your right leg, keeping your foot flexed.
Slowly walk your hands up the scarf as you lift your head and shoulders off the floor. Hold for a count of 2.
Now lower yourself back to the starting position, walking your hands back down the scarf.
Do two sets of 8 to 10 reps on each sides Be sure to keep your head neutral -- don't tuck your chin or tilt back.

Ballet Twist
I like the really generous side-stretching in this modified half-crunch. (When I first tried this move, I had a buddy hold my feet still at first until I got the motion down -- it was helpful to have her watch my form and correct the angle of my back.)
Do it:
Sit on the floor and extend your legs, pressing them firmly together.
Lean back 45 degrees from the hips.
Keep your abs engaged as you bring both your arms overhead like a ballerina.
Slowly twist your torso to the right, placing your right arm on the mat. Keep your left arm reaching overhead for a slow count of 3.
Repeat the movement, keeping your left arm on the floor, and keeping your butt and heels on the floor.
Contract your abs to support your spine as you return to center, bringing both arms overhead.
Continue alternating sides. Do 2 sets of 6 to 8 reps on each side.

The Single-Leg Stretch
The top of my abs burns at first when I do this move consistently, and after a few days my whole six-pack feels engaged. Nice.
Lie back in the center of your mat with your knees bent. Lift your head and shoulders and curl your chin in toward your chest.
Inhale as you draw your left knee in toward your chest, placing your left hand on your ankle and your right hand on your knee.
Lift your right leg about 45 degrees off the floor.
Switch legs, extending your left leg while hugging your right leg to your chest.
Switch hand positions each time your switch legs, placing your right hand on your right ankle and your left hand on your right knee.
Do between 5 and 10 reps for each side.

The Cobra
After doing a series of regular crunches and other lying-down exercises, getting into cobra pose is a welcome change. It always makes me feel like I'm lengthening the front of my rib cage, too, which is a sweet reward.
Do it:
Lie facedown on the floor with your palms near your chest.
Lift your head, shoulders, and chest off the floor, pulling your shoulder blades down and together.
Hold for 2 counts and then lower back down. Repeat 8 to 10 times.
For a more difficult exercise, try lifting your thighs and hips off the floor.